
You can give to the church by cash or check, by clicking the Give Now button below, or by using a free app.

To use the free app, go to the App Store or Google Play and download the Vanco Mobile app for free. It will prompt you for the name of our church or you can put in the invite code: T8JB2G. For instructions, click Vanco Mobile Instructions.

You may also use this button for secure online giving now.






When people hear the word “stewardship” they have a variety of reactions.

At Kirkwood, we think of stewardship as more than money. It is the way that a believer lives as a disciple of Christ in response to the goodness of God. As we grow in faith, we keep learning what it means to surrender all that we have – time, talents, and money – to the God we know in Jesus Christ.

At Kirkwood, we are continuing to grow in our call to reach outside our walls. We invite our congregation to be a part of our exciting journey. From mundane things like our church electric bill to funds that support disaster assistance and the well-being of children, we are called to give. There are ways to support our preschool as well!

We also support special offerings of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) such as One Great Hour of Sharing, Pentecost Offering, Peace & Global Witness Offering, and the Christmas Joy Offering.

Currently, we receive financial gifts to the church through online giving, cascheckseck, or automatic bank payments. Thank you for your generosity!