Ministry Teams

All of these teams are made up of people just like you! Everyone who is a part of Kirkwood is invited to be involved in as little or as large a role as you are comfortable with. Each team considers prayer as its primary focus as it carries out its duties and responsibilities.

Outreach Team
The Outreach Team meets human needs in the church and in the world. It leads us as we share the gospel and love people beyond our own church walls. This team oversees the Pumpkin Patch, fellowship activities, the Fall Festival, and the Presbyterian Women. 

This team also oversees the ministries of food, fun, fellowship, and prayer. Its focus is on nurturing our faith fellowship, including member care (hospital/home visits, cards and correspondence, student/military acknowledgment and support, follow-up on members who have been away, and support during challenging times). Meals and other events involving food are another large focus (coordinating menus, prepping and cooking food, providing snacks on special Sundays, and hosting the last Sunday of the month potlucks). Finally, the team takes the lead on welcoming visitors and engaging new members in the life of the church.

Christian Education Team
The Christian Education Team oversees Christian Education as all of us grow in our faith! It ensures that a variety of Bible studies and learning opportunities are available for all ages. The team also provides leadership for Vacation Bible School and special events for children such as the Easter Egg Hunt, Blessing of the Backpacks, and Breakfast with Santa. This team is also involved with the Early Learning Center. 

Worship and Music Team
Worship and Music is more than just music; it is all aspects of worship from physical appearance of the sanctuary to planning Sunday and special services to the various visible and behind-the-scenes jobs. The team coordinates liturgists (Sunday readers), communion, and servers for communion, ushers, and acolytes. It oversees the operation of the soundboard and PowerPoint station. Additionally, it ensures that banners, tablescapes, and other decorative elements are displayed. In coordination with Pastor Yvan, we work to honor God through music, word, and any other method that the Spirit leads us to do. 

Administration Team
The Administration Team is involved with everything that happens in the building and outdoors, including tasks like cutting grass, watering plants, setting up for events, making sure that the property is cleaned up after events, fixing the plumbing, interacting with our janitor, etc. The team also solicits bids and makes recommendations concerning work that the church has done by outside contractors and when the church replaces its fixtures or equipment. This team is also responsible for personnel (human resources). If you don’t care about the limelight, but you like to do stuff with your hands, the Administration Team has a project for you. We aren’t looking for perfection, just accomplishments. 

Finance Team
This team handles stewardship and invites everyone at Kirkwood to share their gifts and their treasures. It ensures that we focus on stewardship of financial resources at least annually with the invitation to provide estimates of giving (pledge cards). Because stewardship is a principle of Christian life, the team also creates opportunities for volunteers in all aspects of our ministries. In addition, the team cares for the church’s financial resources (accounting, financial reporting, safety, insurance, and similar responsibilities) as well as our Bunko game nights.